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Our Core Goals

1. To alleviate poverty by bringing social and economic transformation through sustainable community development and capacity building.

2. To bring sustainable community development through collaboration and networking with the donor community, the local community, agencies, individuals and development partners.

3. To transform and improve the living standard of the local Maasai Community, within Sekenani and beyond.

Our Goals: About
Helping Hands

Our Core Objectives

Working Towards a Brighter Future

1. Provision of quality, accessible and affordable health care services to the local community. This will be achieved through a continuous improvement and upgrading of the Sekenani Community Health centre. This can be achieved by maintaining and establishing strong linkages and collaboration with the Donors, local community, local leaders and other development partners.


2. To bring meaningful and necessary changes within then local community, through the provision of an accessible, affordable and quality Education program. This can be achieved through an aggressive and ambitious plan to improve, equip and establish the SEMADEP Pry. And Secondary School in the near future. The school will be a Non- Profit making Institution with a private management approach that will ensure the provision of quality Education to local Bright and Needy Kids. This will ensure the realization of our Dream to the Future, of a Maasai youthful Generation of a skilled and highly trained pool of professionals of all walks of life, ranging from Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Managers and Academicians amongst others. To attain this, we intend to attract the support of our Donor partners, friends, the community and other development partners. We also intend to start a very aggressive sponsorship program that would see a high student enrolment and retention Rate, from pre- school to the University.


3. To improve the quality of life, through the provision of clean and safe water for drinking, to the people of Sekenani and beyond. This will be achieved through a continuous improvement and upgrading of the Sekenani community water project, and by establishing new bore holes to the neighbouring communities. This will be made possible, by seeking the support of the local community, local leaders, SEMADEP NGO, donors and other development partners.

4. Community capacity building and meaningful collaboration. We plan to undertake an aggressive and ambitious capacity building program that would educate and sensitizes the local community on the importance of creating a very strong and meaningful collaboration among the community and development partners. This will enable them to come up with an acceptable development framework that would adequately address the local community’s socio-economic needs.

5. To come up with an ambitious youth empowerment program, that will offer the necessary support to the local youth. This will enable us identify, develop and nurture their talents in a more meaningful, sustainable and constructive manner. This will minimize the unnecessary bad exposure and negative peer pressure. This objective can be achieved, by seeking the necessary support from the relevant donor agencies, the community and the leaders. To help inculcate a culture of positive career, sports and cultural development programs/initiative, that is constructive and beneficial to the youth.

Our Core Values

Turning Interest Into Action

1. Transparency and accountability.

2. Our community service and giving back to the society.

3. Our trust in the Living God and service to Humanity

4. Our passion in serving and helping those who need our help.


5. Our firmness, resolve and steadfastness in pushing through our dreams, amid the very interesting and never ending challenges and obstacles.

6. Collaboration and Networking.

7. Team work and Team spirit.

8. Our commitment to a genuine transformative change in our community through Education, Health, Water and other socio-economic interventions.

Image by bradford zak
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