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Semadep School

Education is the Key, the Cornerstone and the Central Pillar for a truly
transformational change in any society!


There is need for Quality, Accessible and Affordable
Educational opportunities to all the Maasai kids. Save for the few kids from well off families,
this only remain a pipe dream to the majority of the needy kids!

Semadep School started in 2009 with 9 students, 2 untrained teachers all under the old semadep office building. The school has continued to grow over years, thanks to the amazing support we continue to receive from our founding friends from the SEMADEP Foundation Holland, the Helping Hands Organization USA, Camera Shutter Up, supportive parents and the very dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff!


The Sponsorship Program is a program designed to seek well-wishers locally and
internationally who will be interested to support and help us fundraise for funds to educate the many bright and needy or orphans and vulnerable children in our community. This is not an easy task, and it is only through a great passion and a genuine desire to make life better for others, that it can be achieved. Luckily that is our drive and source of motivation and satisfaction!


The biggest challenge and Primary Goal that we are so determined to address through the support of the Almighty God and the amazing support from our friends and sponsors locally and internationally  has driven us to the establishment of the SEMADEP Primary
School. We are investing very heavily in this school to ensure that it eventually become the Academic centre of Excellence and the dream school for every child and parent in Mara and
beyond. All indication is pointing towards this reality.



- 10 Qualified Teaching staff

- 2 Non-teaching staff 

- 164 Students (Kindergarten 1 & 2, Grades 1-6)
- Establishment of a Boarding facility on 2/5/2019
- 45 students in Boarding school.
- From an old structure, the school now has more than 8 much better structures and facilities that make the journey to a quality Education much of a reality.

Semadep School: About
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